The United States Flag

     The Sons of the American Revolution strives to preserve and pay respect to the symbols of our great nation, especially the Flag of the United States of America. The Chapter provides programs to educate the public flag etiquette, recognizes those who correctly display the American Flag, and properly disposing of worn,  soiled, or damaged flags. Man Pledge Hand over Heart

     The Chapter has produced a brochure on how to properly respect the U.S. Flag and is available for downloaded. For more information on the US Flag, the Congressional Research Service has prepared a report entitled: “Frequently Asked Questions About Flag Law.” We have compiled a list of dates in which the US and Texas flags are to be displayed. More information on the design and history of the American Flag can be found here.


Flag Recognitionflag-certificate_p136_l_p136_z650

     In 1987, the Sons of the American Revolution authorized the presentation of Flag Certificates to individuals, companies, and government agencies that fly the American Flag for patriotic purposes only. Therefore, entities that obviously fly the American Flag for advertising purposes are ineligible for the Flag Certificate.

     A Flag Certificate Request Form is available for use by both Compatriots and the public. Upon receiving a request, the Chapter will make arrangement to present the Flag Certificate. For questions, please contact the Chapter’s Flag Committee Chairman.



Disposal of American Flagsflag-retirement-certificate_p137_l_p137_z650

     The Chapter has programs for promoting and executing the proper disposal of worn, damaged, and soiled American Flags. Such programs include the collection of worn and/or damaged flags and Flag Retirement Ceremonies to dispose of them. Participants in Flag Retirement Ceremonies will receive Certificates for U.S. Flag Retirement.



Paul Carrington Chapter No. 5, Texas Society, Sons of the American Revolution
1415 South Voss Ste 110-425 — Houston, TX 77057-1086

The Paul Carrington Chapter is a non-profit, non-partisan organization dedicated to promoting patriotism,
preserving American history, and supporting education for our future generations.

Copyright © 2023 Paul Carrington Chapter  —  Last Modified: Friday, October 18, 2024


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