For nearly a century, the Sons of the American Revolution (SAR) has enjoyed a close working relationship with the Boy Scouts of America (BSA), actively supporting Scouting programs that build character and good citizens. President Theodore Roosevelt, a distinguished SAR member and ardent supporter of the Scouting movement, earned the distinction of being the first and only person designated as the “Chief Scout Citizen.” In 1980, the SAR’s ties to Scouting were further strengthened by establishing its Eagle Scout Recognition and Award Program.
Programs are available to all Eagle Scouts, regardless of gender.
This program provides a certificate of recognition to new Eagle Scouts. The certificate is usually presented to the Eagle Scout at their Eagle Court of Honor. To request a certificate, download, complete, and return (via e-mail) Eagle Scout Certificate Request form. The form can be completed by the Eagle Scout, their parent(s)/guardian(s), or a member of the Scout’s unit’s leadership (e.g., Advancement Chair, Scoutmaster, etc.).
Upon request we will strive to have a SAR chapter member present at the Eagle Court of Honor to present the certificate to the Eagle Scout. For a limited time, in addition to the certificate, the Eagle Scout will be presented with a special patch by the chapter member at their Court of Honor.
The second program is the Arthur M. and Berdena King Eagle Scout Program. Eagle Scouts could potentially receive $12,500 (state and national levels) in scholarship funds from their participation. The Texas Society awards $3,500 to the state winner, and there were only 12 applicants in the entire state of Texas in 2022!
Currently registered Eagle Scouts in an active unit who have not reached their 19th birthday in the calendar year of their application are eligible for the Contest. The year in which the Eagle Scout Award was awarded is not restricted, and Scouts can reenter until they win 1st Place in the national Contest or reach the maximum age. So, the eligibility window can be as wide as nine years, if a Scout earned the Eagle Scout Award when they are 11. This allows them to continue to earn scholarship awards if they place at the chapter, state, or national levels.
If you are interested in participating in this Contest, please download, complete, and return a Contestant Interest Form. The form informs the Chapter's Eagle Scout Chair to know that you are interested. This form is critical, as it will allow him an opportunity to guide you to increase your chances of success in the Contest. The Chapter has also prepared a document to help Eagle Scouts in completing their submission package. Upon receipt of the Contestant Interest Form, this document will be sent to the Eagle Scout via e-mail.
To enter the Contest, the Eagle Scout must submit the following to the Chapter’s Eagle Scout Chair:
The Contest is a points-based system. Therefore, careful completion of the application is essential to a successful submission. For example, three merit badges count for 75% in one section. Applicants who fail to have all three of these merit badges generally do not advance beyond the chapter level. In addition, the essay and Ancestor Chart have specific requirements. To be successful, contestants should take the opportunity to communicate with the Chapter’s Eagle Scout Chairman before starting.
Note: Contestants are eligible to enter more than one contest at a time. An expanded version of the essay required for the Eagle Scout Contest could be used in a submission for the Knight Essay Contest, the TXSSAR CAR Essay Contest and used as the basis for the Orations Contest.
The complete submission package is to be submitted to the Chapter by December 31st.
For any questions and transmission of all Contest submissions, please e-mail the Paul Carrington Chapter Eagle Scout Contest Chair
Paul Carrington Chapter No. 5, Texas Society, Sons of the American Revolution
1415 South Voss Ste 110-425 — Houston, TX 77057-1086
The Paul Carrington Chapter is a non-profit, non-partisan organization dedicated to promoting patriotism,
preserving American history, and supporting education for our future generations.
Copyright © 2023 Paul Carrington Chapter — Last Modified: Thursday, February 27, 2025